FSU Round Up

What is FSU Round Up?

FSU Round Up (formerly known as Round Up for FSU) is a philanthropic initiative. FSU Round Up was launched by Florida State University's Office of Business Services in July 2016. FSU Round Up allows customers at specific campus retail locations to "Round Up" their purchase by 25 cents. The 25 cents is automatically donated to the FSU Food For Thought Pantry, which is dedicated to currently enrolled students facing food insecurity. Rounding Up is voluntary and only applies to point-of-sale purchases made with a credit/debit card, Dining Dollars, and FSUCash.


Where and how can you participate in FSU Round Up?

All Seminole Dining locations, excluding Starbucks and Panera Bread, participate in the FSU Round Up initiative. Upon checkout, customers will be given the option to Round Up their purchase by 25 cents. Once the transaction is complete, the difference will be automatically donated to the Food for Thought Food Pantry.

Why is FSU Round Up important?

Food insecurity is an issue on college campuses nationwide. According to a 2023 article from The Hope Center for Student Basic Needs, about 1 in 4 undergraduate students and more than 1 in 10 graduate students, totaling more than 4 million students in higher education, are experiencing food insecurity. The money donated through FSU Round Up helps the Food For Thought Food Pantry keep items stocked throughout the year. FSU Round Up aids the University's efforts to alleviate hunger on campus.